Saturday, October 15, 2022

The Help (2011)/The Wizard of Oz (1939) Crossover - After Dorothy's House Landed in Jackson City, Mississippi...


Dorothy is Shocked to Find Out She's in Jackson City, Mississippi, and Celia is Excited About Dorothy's Farmhouse Having Crushed Hilly to Death.

After the twister abated, Celia Foote went over to the run-down farmhouse that had been dropped on the property line dividing her home from that of the Holbrooks during the storm to see if anyone is inside and whether or not they survived the twister's furious rampage...

Celia (talking aloud): "Oh, what a cute little farmhouse. I can't believe it survived that twister, and almost all intact too. I wonder if anyone is inside? Uhm, hello? Hello, is anyone in there?  I'm Celia Foote. I--I just wanted to see if you're alright. Hello?"

In her bedroom where she and her pet dog, Toto, had taken shelter from the storm--a young girl named Dorothy Gale hears someone calling from outside...

Dorothy Gale (talking aloud to her pet terrier dog Toto who is lying in her arms): "Toto, I hear someone calling. I guess it means we've survived the twister.  Maybe it's Auntie Em calling to us. Let's go and see, shall we?"

Celia (calling out): "Yoo-hoo, is anyone in there? Hey!"

Dorothy (calling out): "Auntie Em?  Aunt Em, is that you?  We're coming Aunt Em."

Dorothy (talking aloud to herself): "Oh please let it be Auntie Em."

Dorothy (calling out): "Aunt Em?"

Dorothy (whispering to herself): "Oh my!"

Celia (gasping, then laughing aloud): "Oh! Hahaha!"

Dorothy (talking to Toto): "I don't think we're in Kansas anymore."

Celia (calling out to Dorothy): "Come on over here, honey.  It's alright."

Dorothy slowly and very cautiously walks over to Celia's front porch...

Dorothy (talking to Celia): "Hello, ma'am.  My name is Dorothy Gale, and this is my dog, Toto.  We're from Sepia Town, Kansas.  Could you tell me where we are?"

Celia (talking to Dorothy): "Why you're in Jackson City, Mississippi. 'The Town Where Dreams Come True', or so they say on the welcome sign."

Dorothy (talking to Celia): "Jackson City, Mississippi you say?  But I wanted to go somewhere over the rainbow, way above the chimney tops to a land where troubles melt like lemon drops.  I didn't mean that I wanted to travel to another American State."

Celia (talking to Dorothy): "Oh...oh, darlin', do ya' need to lie down? Come inside my house and lie down.  You must've had quite a shock after survivin' that twister.  I don't know nothin' bout a land meltin' like lemon drops, or whatever you said, but I can call a doctor if you need one."

Dorothy (talking to Celia): "Are you suggesting that there is something wrong with my noggin?"

Celia (talking kindly to Dorothy): "Why don't ya' come inside my house, you can lie down for a little bit, and we'll have a doctor come on over to check you out.  How would that sound to you, hon?"

Dorothy (talking to Celia): "Not likely!"

Minny Jackson, Celia's friend, is walking up the road towards Celia's house to pay Celia a visit when she spots her talking to Dorothy...

Minny Jackson (thinking to herself): "What the hell is going on over there. Who is that little girl Miss Celia's talkin' to?"

Minny (whispering to herself): "I'm gonna see what's goin' on over here."

As Minnie begins making her way towards Celia's walkway leading to her house...

Dorothy (talking to Celia who is offscreen): "I guess I'll be on my way now. Come along, Toto."

Dorothy quickly moves away from Celia's house and hurriedly starts walking down the walkway with Toto in her arms...

Celia is shocked by Dorothy's quick retreat...

Minny (talking to Dorothy as she passes her): "Oh, excuse me, hon.  Is everything okay--"

Dorothy (talking to Minnie hurriedly as she rushes past her): "Everything is fine, ma'am.  Absolutely fine.  I have to hurry home help give my uncle--I mean my dog, a flea bath.  Yes, that's it, a flea bath!"

Minny (thinking to herself): "What a strange little girl.  White folks can be so weird sometimes."

Dorothy quickly continues walking down Celia's walkway...

As Minnie makes her way up to Celia's front porch, Celia who went back inside, quickly rushes to the front door as she heard someone coming up the walkway and immediately recognizes who it is from the sound of her footsteps...

Celia (excitedly calling out to Minny): "Minny!"

Celia rushes off the porch and gives her good friend Minny a hug...

Celia (talking to Minny as she hugs her): "Oh...oh, Min. You'll never guess the weird encounter I just had."

Minnie (talking aloud): "What the holy shit is that mess?!"

Minnie notices that the twister has dropped Dorothy's dilapidated farmhouse on top of Miss Hilly, a fact which had gone unnoticed by the somewhat dense Celia.

Celia turns to look and see what Minnie is fretting about...

Celia (talking aloud): "Oh...oh my! I guess that little girl's farmhouse went and done landed on top a Miss Hilly, didn't it?!"

Minny (talking to Celia): "It sure looks that way, Miss Celia."

Celia (exclaiming excitedly): "Hot damn!"

Celia rushes to give Minnie another hug...

Minny (scolding Celia): "Miss Celia, this here ain't no laughin' matter."

Minnie (talking to Celia): "Celia, we need to talk this over."

The two women turn and start walking towards Celia's house...

Celia (excitedly talking to Minnie): "Well, let's go inside my house and talk bout' it, Minnie. Hot damn! I can't believe Hilly's gone!"

After having walked a few minutes, Dorothy stopped by the side of the road to rest...

Dorothy (talking to herself in reference to Celia): "My...what a strange lady she was. Wasn't she, Toto?"

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