Monday, September 5, 2022

Cinderella the Sorceress - The Banished Witches Dream of Ultimate Power.


The Banished Witches Dream of Having Power over the World.

Winifred Sanderson (talking to Agatha Cromwell): "Ah, what I wouldn't give to have that traitor Karen of the Atlantic in the grasp of my powers.  I'll teach her to mess with Winifred Sanderson, the Mother of All the Banished Witches."

Aggie Cromwell (talking to Winifred Sanderson): "You're not the only one, your Greatness."

Sadira (talking to Winnie and Aggie): "I never imagined how much fun it could be to be a witch.  Being raised as an orphan, I've never had any say so over my own destiny. No control over my own life.  Thanks to you, Winifred, your Greatness, now I feel like I DO have some say in my life and over my destiny.

Winifred (talking to Sadira): "My child, it is my duty to offer power to the powerless.  Karen feels that magic belongs to those who wish to serve others. But what about servicing your own needs?  That is what that idiot bogswoddle fails to understand."

Marge Simpson the Witch (talking to Winnie): "Yes, and you're the one who taught us that, your Greatness.  What's the point of having magic if you can't use it to better your own life?"

Kellie and Lynn Farmer, the Twin Sister Witches (talking aloud): "We'll soon make Karen pay. Won't we, your Greatness?"

Winnie (talking to the Farmer sisters): "Indeed my children.  Our time will come, but we must be patient."

Mary Sanderson (talking to Winnie): "Oh, Winnie.  Thou art so wise, and thou art so divine."

Sarah Sanderson (talking aloud): "Just imagine me, ruling the world as a Princess Witch.  I would be unstoppable.  I could bend the will of any boy to my will.  Why, I could even hang him on and hook and play with him if I wanted to, whenever I wanted to!"

Winnie (insulting Sarah): "Yes, well, that is why I am in charge, you twiddlenit.  You wouldn't have the slightest idea as to how to rule the world.  I suppose that's why Mother always looked to me to set an example for you and Mary.  I'm a natural born leader."

Sadira (talking to Winnie): "I just hope I can follow your example, your Greatness."

Winnie (talking to Sadira): "You can my little Witch of the Sand.  You are a devoted student of magic.  Your trust in me will not fail to bring you the greatest of rewards.  There are benefits that come with working for me.  I empower the powerless to find the power within themselves.  You do believe in yourself, don't you, my dear Sadira?"

Sadira (talking to Winifred): "I do your, Greatness. I strive to be the greatest witch I can be.  I believe in my own capabilities, and I believe in yours too, your Greatness."

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