Monday, September 5, 2022

Cinderella the Sorceress - Winifred Wants to Know if She Can Defeat Cinderella.


Winifred Sanderson Seeks to Know the Fate of her Plans...

Winifred Sanderson (reciting a spell aloud): "O Great Spirit of the Mother Oracle, by the power of magic, please speak to me. Tell me what Karen of the Atlantic up to.

As if out of thin air, the Mother Oracle appears

The Mother Oracle (talking to Winifred): "You have summoned me, Winifred.  I shall answer your question.  Karen of the Atlantic has employed a new sorceress, a scullery maid named Cinderella into her service.  She has asked the girl to help all those in need to do good through the use of her newly acquired abilities."

Winnie (talking aloud): "Another little doodletwit in her employ now, has she?

The Mother Oracle (talking to Winifred): "I'm afraid so, and I fear this one may be very strong and hard to defeat.  If I were you, I would ask the Sisters of Fate about this.  Only they can tell you more."

Winifred (talking to the Mother Oracle): "If you say so."

Winifred (reciting a spell to summon Clotho, Lachesis and Atropos - the ghosts of the three Sister Fates): "Sister Fates, Sister Fates. By the power of my magic, I summon you to me. Come to me, Sister Fates."

Suddenly, the three Sister Fates appear as if out of nowhere...


The Three Sister Fates (talking to Winifred Sanderson): "Yes, Winifred?"

Winnie (talking to the Fates): "Is this little wretch, this Cinderella, Karen's new sorceress-apprentice, is she any match for me?"

The Sister Fates (talking to Winifred): "Not unless you train one as strong as her.  If you can do that, then you just might prevail."

Winnie (talking to the Sister Fates): "And I do have such one under my command. Don't I, Mother Oracle?"

Mother Oracle (talking to the Sister Fates): "She does. She does indeed."

The Sister Fates (talking aloud): "Good."

Winifred (yelling at the Sister Fates): "Now that I know what I need to know, be off with you, you old Spinsterfops!"

The Sister Fates (talking to Winifred): "Oh, alright! Crabby, crabby, crabby."

Suddenly the Sister Fates Disappear as if they had never even been there...

The Mother Oracle (talking to Winifred): "Is there anything else you wish to ask of me, Winifred?"

Winnie (talking to Mother Oracle): "Yes, shouldn't be on your way to the Netherworld now?"

The Mother Oracle (talking aloud): "How rude you are. But yes, I shall take my leave now."

And with that, the Mother Oracle suddenly vanishes as if she had never been there...

Winnie (talking addressing Sarah and Mary in exasperation): "Out of all the spirits I could have chosen to be my slave, why did I choose her?"

Sarah (talking to Winnie): "Maybe it was just a stupid move on your part, Winnie.  It's like you always say to me, 'You're not always the brightest lamp in the room.'"

Winnie (growling at Sarah): "Grrrrrr!"

Mary (exclaiming aloud): "Uh-oh."

Sarah (talking aloud): "Is it too late to say I'm sorry, Winnie?"

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