Friday, September 16, 2022

Cinderella the Sorceress - Sadira Is Included in on Winifred's Plan.


Sadira is clued in on Winifred's plan...

Winifred Sanderson summons Sadira to speak with her for a private meeting...

Sadira (talking to Winifred): "You called, O Great One?"

Winifred (talking to Sadira): "Yes, my child.  Sadira, I want to include you in my grand plan."

Sadira (talking to Winnie): "What do you wish me to do, your Grandness?"

Mary comes over and whispers to Winifred....

Mary (whispering to Winnie): "Oh, Winnie, should we involve her?  After all, she isn't a Sanderson."

Winifred (whispering harshly to Mary): "Shut up, you stupid worm of cow dung!"

Winnie (talking to Sadira): "Now, where were we?"

Winnie (talking to Sadira): "Now Sadira...I want you to serve as my right-in-command in my grand plan.  I want you to befriend Cinderella.  Pretend to be a good magical creature.  I want you to gain her trust so to speak.  Once you've accomplished this goal sufficiently, then we will strike at her and at that stupid doodletwerp, Karen!  What do you think of my proposal?"

Sadira (talking to Winifred): "It sounds agreeable to me."

Winnie (talking to Sadira): "It sounds good to me, too."

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