Cinderella and Whitney Rescue Penny.
Whitney the Fairy Godmother appears before Cinderella as if out of thin air.
Whitney (talking to Cinderella): "Cinderella, there is a little girl who needs our help."
Cinderella (talking to Whitney): " Hello, Whitney. My very first magical assignment. Who is this child who needs our help?"
Whitney (reciting a spell): "Magic, show us the girl who is in need of our help."
An vision of a crying little girl appears before them...
Cinderella (talking to Whitney): "Who is she? Why does she need our help?"
Whitney (talking to Cinderella): "Her name is Penny. She's a little orphan girl being held captive in a Louisiana bayou called the Devil's Bayou by a pawnshop owner named Madame Medusa who is working for a corrupt millionairess named Cruella de Vil. Cruella finances Medusa's shop. Medusa kidnapped little Penny from the Morningside Orphanage in New York Village and is using the child to look for a rare diamond, the Pirate Devil's Eye, that Cruella has been searching for. It is believed that the diamond was hidden in the 18th century by a band of pirates. The diamond is now worth more than $40 million."
Cinderella (talking to Whitney): "We must go to her, Whitney."
Whitney (casting a spell): "I call upon the powers of magic, to take us to the Devil's Bayou to see the little orphan Penny."
And with that, Whitney and Cinderella magically disappear. Meanwhile in Penny's bedroom in the riverboat of the bayou where she is being held captive...

Penny (praying): "Oh, God. Please, would you send someone to help me escape from here?"
Cinderella and Whitney magically appear in Penny's bedroom.
Whitney (talking aloud to Cinderella): "Here we are, Cindy."
Cinderella (talking to Penny): "Penny?"
Penny (exclaiming aloud): "Who are you?"
Cinderella (talking to Penny): "I am Cinderella, and I am a powerful sorceress.
Whitney (talking to Penny): "And I am Whitney. I am a powerful fairy. Think of me as Cinderella's fairy godmother who is assigned to help her to help those who are in need of her assistance."
Penny (talking to Cinderella and Whitney): " So, you help people who need help?"
Cinderella (talking to Penny): "Yes, and I know what you're wish is."
Penny (talking to Cinderella): "Then you know that I wish to escape from here?"
Cinderella (talking to Penny): "Yes, and I--"
Suddenly, Madame Medusa bursts into Penny's room.
Madame Medusa (yelling at Penny): "I thought I told you to go to bed, and who were you talking to?!"
Penny (talking to Medusa): "Cinderella and Whitney. Cinderella's a powerful sorceress, and Whitney's her fairy godmother."
Madame Medusa looks around the room, but Cinderella and Whitney are now nowhere to be seen.
Medusa (talking to Penny): "What are you talking about? There's no one here but me and you."
Penny (talking to Medusa): "But they were just here."
Medusa (talking sarcastically): " Well then, maybe they flew out the window."
Penny (talking to Medusa): "But, but they were just here. Honest."
Medusa (yelling at Penny): "Go to bed, you stupid, delusional little dirt stain on my shoe!"
Penny (crying out loud): "But they were just here!"
Whitney suddenly materializes in Penny's room.
Medusa (screaming in fear): "Who--who are you? How did you get in here?"
Cinderella suddenly appears back in Penny's bedroom...
Cinderella (whispering aloud to Medusa): "Boo!"
Cinderella (talking to Medusa): "I am Cinderella, and I am here to destroy you, Madame Medusa!"
Madame Medusa (screaming aloud): "Ow! My chest! chest. It's my chest!"
Medusa (whispering in pain): "My heart. My heart. It's my heart. I'm having a heart attack."
Penny (exclaiming aloud excitedly to her teddy bear): Yes! Teddy, we're free!"
Penny (yelling excitedly): "I'm free! I'm free!"
Once downstairs in the riverboat where she has been held captive...
Penny (talking aloud): "Whitney. Cinderella. Can you send me back to the orphanage now?"
Cinderella suddenly appears downstairs...
Cinderella (talking to Penny): "Yes, we can."
Penny (talking to Cinderella): "Oh, thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Maybe now I will be adopted."
Cinderella (casting a spell): "Magic, send Penny safely back to the Morningside orphanage in New York Village."
Penny (talking to Cinderella): "Thank you, Cinderella. Thank you, Whitney. Thank you for everything. Bye!"
And with that, Penny suddenly disappeared...
Cinderella (talking aloud): "I guess I ought to get home now, huh, Whitney?"
Whitney suddenly appears in the room with Cinderella...
Whitney (talking to Cinderella): "Yes, but before you go, you must help Medusa. Remember, don't let your magic do any harm to anyone."
Cinderella (reciting a spell): "Magic, I command you to completely heal Medusa."
Upstairs in Penny's room...
Medusa (talking aloud to herself): "Oh. Oh. My chest feels so much better."
Back downstairs...
Whitney (talking to Cinderella): "Good job, Cindy. It's time for you to return home before your stepmother and stepsisters find you're gone.
Cinderella (talking to Whitney): "Thank you. Thanks for your help, Whitney."
Cinderella (casting a spell): "Magic, send me back home, please."
And with that, Cinderella suddenly vanishes as if she had never been there...
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