Monday, September 12, 2022

Cinderella the Sorceress - Do You Doubt the Great Winifred's Powers?

Never doubt Winifred's powers.

Winifred Addresses the World Assembly of the Banished Witches....

Winifred Sanderson (addressing the Assembly of Banished Witches): "My sisters, we shall take our rightful place in the mortal and magical realms as is our right."

Wendy (laughing): "We shall crush the Great Karen of the Atlantic."

Gabby (the black-haired witch talking aloud): "How exactly does the Great and Wise Winifred propose we take down Karen of the Atlantic?"

Gert (the adult blonde-haired witch talking to Gabby): "I don't know but keep quiet, she'll hear you."

Mary (talking to Gert, her sisters Gabby and Fanny, and their niece Wendy): "I wouldn't question my sister's wisdom if I were you, Gert.  Winifred is no respecter of those who question her ways."

Aggie Cromwell (talking to Mary): "Now Sister Mary, I'm sure Gert didn't mean to question Winifred's authority. After all, Karen is a powerful witch, and she won't be so easy to get rid of.  That idiot Karen believes that the human race and magic creatures belong together, that we can live in peace.  Try telling that to my Gwen.  The mortals destroyed her, and all because she was born a witch.  She was killed because she was born with powers that they couldn't understand.  They didn't want to understand them."

Marnie Piper (talking aloud): "Grandma's right.  Winifred would never lead us astray.  Humans and magical creatures, we don't belong together.  We never have, and we can never coexist peacefully."


Sophie Cromwell (talking aloud): "I want to make the mortals pay for what they did to my mother.  This world belongs to us, not those filthy stinking mortals."

Shakata (the leader of the three Witches of the Desert Sands talking to Sophie): "Ahahaha.  You have the right idea, my dear."

Sadira (talking to Sophie): "Indeed.  We will make those mortals pay, Sophie.  For them taking the life of your mother and a whole lot more!"

Frieda (the witch in the dark, purple-colored robe talking aloud): "Oh, I can't wait for our return to ultimate power. It'll be ever so much fun."

Marge Simpson (talking to her sisters Meredith and Martha): " But I do fear for our Great Winifred.  If anything happens to her, who'll lead us witches as the rightful rulers of this world?"

Winifred (talking to Marge Simpson): "Sister Marge, do you doubt my powers?  Do you doubt my strength, you and your sisters?"

Meredith and Martha Simpson (talking in unison to Winifred): "Not us, your Grandness. We would never doubt your power."

Marge (talking to Winifred): "I don't doubt your powers, my Winifred.  I never have.  I do worry about your safety.  That Karen is as cunning as a serpent."

Winifred (talking to Marge): "Indeed she is."

Winifred (talking to Marge): "But fear not, Sister.  For I have a plan.

Winifred (addressing the Assembly of Banished Witches): "Now come, sisters, shall we fly now?"

Suddenly, Marge climbs astride her broomstick and takes to the sky...

Marge (cackling aloud): " Oh, I just love flying!"

And with that, some of the other witches begin to take to the skies on their broomsticks...

Winifred (talking to the Assembly of Banished Witches): "A witch's life would never be complete without flying, eh sisters?"

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